Step Twenty-One

Step 21. Review
In your third review, review all the lessons of the past week and the results of those lessons. Practice today not making any conclusions, but simply recognize the line of development and take note of the progress that you have made thus far. It is too early to make genuine conclusions, though it may be very tempting to do so. Beginning students are not in a position to judge their curriculum. This right must be earned and comes later if you wish for your judgments to have true effect and to be wise.

Therefore, in your one practice period, review the last section of practice and all that has been experienced thus far.

Practice 21:
One 45-minute practice period.

Here you will find the entire book free for download

Here you will find pointers for getting started if this is your first encounter with this practice: Taking the Steps to Knowledge.

November 24, 2012 Round One: It is so good to know that I don't need to make any conclusions or judgments at this point, that I am just going with the flow, allowing Knowledge to guide me without even making a conscious effort, just going with it and allowing it to take me where it will. This is so refreshing and such a relief! Life has taken on a new lightness and joy. Everything is in perfect and divine order.

July 20, 2014 Round Two: I am not judging my curriculum or drawing any conclusions, but simply recognizing that this week has given me a deeper understanding of what it means to go beyond my mind to know its contents, listen to my experience, and hone my faculties of hearing and seeing in order to feel the truth arising. As I did this review, I saw a bright, ever-spreading light in my mind’s eye as I open up to new awareness and consciousness.

July 8, 2018 Round Three: The third time I am doing this review, I feel I have reached the point where everything is intuitively obvious to me. This past week I have been listening to my experience, been aware and alert to the fact that Knowledge resides beyond my surface mind, been open to hearing the truth and feeling the truth arise within me, been filled with the desire to see, and not been allowing doubt and confusion to slow my progress. I am opening up to these concepts and allowing them to blossom like a flower within me.

I am not allowing Volodya’s presence to cloud my joy about living here in the country. Whenever we go to our new plot, I am filled with such contentment and gratitude. This is what I have wanted all my life, to have a spot to call my own in a beautiful, peaceful setting. It is the culmination of my dream. Now the house we are living in does not feel so much like home because there has been an intrusion and much of the harmony has been violated. Volodya says, “out of destruction comes new creation.” I am waiting to see it. But for the time being, a small dark cloud hangs over my idyllic life and a niggling feeling of discontent spoils my general happiness.

I am integrating this past week of Steps into my experience. I am understanding that not all is as it seems, there is a deeper truth, a deeper meaning waiting to be discovered. I am waiting out the time until this deeper truth and meaning become apparent to me. I am trying to solve the puzzle of Volodya and waiting for clarity to dawn.

I am seeing more how Steps are integrated and one leads on from and builds on the previous. Or rather how there is a connection between the Steps as they proceed. There is a logical sequence, and even though I am terrible at logic and logical thinking, I like things to have a logical sequence where I can see the intrinsic pattern in things. Steps have a logical sequence and intrinsic pattern. Things are weaving together into specific constructs, pieces of wisdom I can take hold of and stow away in my pocket.


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